Friday, August 8, 2008


as u'll get to know,this happens to be a set of new year was basically JK pestering me to write sumthin and it happened to be new yers day... i bet he wasn't expecting any of whatever's written down there..

Its 1st jan again.night or morn, that's hardly fuckin consequential.. but hey, new year blues ain't that easy to handle.i see the good fallin at every step with lucifer screamin those lines from metallica's first album..." exit light , enter night " it feels way too good. betrayed, broken, again at the same gate where the scales tip against my favour, enlarging the dimensions of my solitude. the opaque clarity is blinding enough to sear thru my veins and invigorate them to the point of ecstasy, burnin like vesuvius burstin at the seams.... every drop of blood comin alive to remind me that yeah baby, i do stand it weakness, call it virtue. the deal is .. i do not give a friggin penny's worth of a fuck. i take it as it is. it does not instil pride in me right now. it will.destiny get fucked , the past get fucked, survival has been the key till now... not anymore.roaches survive. so do reptiles. so do a billion other cabbage brain retards. my place will be above them. redemption shall be mine.i shall rise. vices shall be postponed, not sacrificed. there is way too much pestilence in the fields to be a productive grain of wheat. a weed would be more like it. don't eliminate competition, devour it, digest it... and then, crap it out. show the world what its worth.the smirk shall replace the smile and shall remain at the end of all things to come when i stand alone again to take the headcount and get a statistical no. that wud make the terminator wanna break down and cry. yeah, sure, the memory remains, ash to ash, dust to dust.... but the fade to black shall have to take a long hike for now. its just not worth it. the good times shall be buried in a moth infested stinky old album which shall stay cold, unopened ... as fucken lonely as the grave of paula schulz.yes, lust is more gratifying than love. its not the satisfaction which counts, its the fuel which fires me on to fuck some more.. spill some more blood. once the greed and gluttony dies, what the fuck is worth livin for anymore? love, in the words of agent smith, is, but a delusion, a temporary construct of a feeble human intellect, trying desperately to justify an existence that stands without meaning or pupose. no such problems at all with lust. simple policy... fuck hard, put ur pants on and walk... let the bitch know her twat's worth.yes, adrenaline is more gratifying than fear. in the words of hetfield..hug the curvelose the timetear the mapshoot the signfuck tomorrow, live today. ur terms only, fuck the world. the common folk shall talk, fuck them. when titanic sinks, take the surfboard, not the life vest. if u make it , go ahead, fuck some more.. if u don't... just accept the fact that u were born to be fish food.yes, reciprocation is more gratifying than followin protocol. payback is thwe need of the hour. go all out. one good turn shall fuckin well be returned, whatever the odds. mistakes shall be forgiven. transgressors shall be fucked beyond repair. let the knucles break one by one. make their mothers suck cocks in hell.yes, passion is more gratifying than responsibility. ask a rock climber, whose chalk dust wud be a priority over food , the same relation running for an underground racer in the case of a NOS chamber. family is a deterrent to passion. dedication comes as a by product, a harbinger to a life as stale as a week old fermented loaf of bread.ever drew comparisons to an orgasm? scale a ridge unplugged, cross a finish line at breakneck speed. prioritise on preference , not viability.yes, insanity is more gratifying than rationality. if u like rock, lets say any particular song,live it , sing it, scream it out, shout ur lungs out... don't disgrace it by using it on headfones just because ur pink nipple4d whore o0f a girlfriend wud prefer backstreet or some likewise shitload. take my advice, the bithch is not even worth a single seminal discharge of ur cock. narcissism is a quality which few possess . the retards generally refer to our clan as that of madmen. revel in it.its like explainin to a family man, and thus, a mileage freak, the kick of throttling a dodge viper in the sixth gearon a city street. as rightly put by bryan adams, one man's night mare .. is another man's dream.u take rationality , i take insanity.. to me it has more meanin... more purpose. a step towards fulfilment, salvation. isn't that what we alll live for?
yes, a scar is more gratifying than cosmetic surgery.
yes, a 40 minute guitar solo is more gratifying than a 100 broadway musicals.
yes, fuckin a princess as a cardinal priest is more gratifying than shagging on a mountain as an ascetic,
yes, freedom is more gratifying than accountability...
i'm done...
where do u belong?

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