Friday, August 8, 2008


this is again,lots of pent up frustration pouring out..probably was written after a career counselling session with dear old mum and of the things they kept harping on was how professional stability led to a good life.. this is the best retort i could come up with.." The inherent stability of the system shall lead to its ultimate chaos."-- Ian MalcolmThe grass is always greener on the other side. y'no wen it gets really scary? wen it isn't . when things start going your way,every step as satisfactory as a 512 bit chinese jigsaw puzzle falling into place.the delicacy of the situation begins to override the brief ecstasy and the impending doom starts giving you nightmares.utopian maintenance may sometimes turn out to be harder than maintaining a Dodge Viper SRT-10 with a Chevy Corvette C6 and a few others in the garage.Take the thought process of Julia Roberts' character from My Best Friend's Wedding, where she explains to the dumb fuck of a bride that sometimes creme brulee can be so irritatingly perfect that the person having it will crave to have something as crude as Jello.Stability is a paradox that can never be stable itself. A figment of the imagination that humans love to hang on to... and all for what? A false sense of security,which gets shattered as easily as a 56 carat lead crystal vase kept on the windowsill in a tornado.And let us not kid ourselves into thinking that we strive for something higher than just perfection. A man who has a honda civic will want a Merc. The stud with the merc will want a Murcielago. The self indulgent weener with the Murcielago will want a Murcielago R-GT. And you know what? That's not aiming high. that's stooping low. Because what we're talking about here is greed. Simple plain fuckin lust and gluttony. Not that i'm degrading it or something. Everybody loves the feel of a raunchy whore after a dry wife with three kids. And to me,there's nothing wrong with it. The only thing that needs a little light to be shed on it is the fact that the adulterous husband should realize that there is a faint hint of a probability that maybe a cock too small may have been the reason for the evaporation of his wife's libido.So, I hope that stability can someday be analysed from both ends of the spectrum. The day that is done will be the day when peace shall finally prevail and stability as a state of mind will not fade out in the terminal abyss of the erstwhile chaos it has deliriously slumped into.

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