Friday, August 8, 2008


to all those bitches out there... and to all their sons who fall in the same fucken rut every fucken time... heh heh.... but hey.. seriously... what is this whole man womn thing.... what is the whole point... just screams and nails ... at the climax... and then.... all u get is just a fucken interminable wait.... tilll the very end... and at the end... ur still alone... is there a woman who's worth remembering after u've come all over...its all about the catch dude... all about a good catch... mr. butterfingers will win the race... its not even a race... just satisfaction.... wen does it arrive... when will peace finally prevail... what is peace... i guess if we could at least get a vague definition of what it actually is... we'd go for it as well.... but who defines it???.... me ... or somebody else... wen do we actually come in control... or do we ever... why is salvation so sought after if success is all that counts... any views...???as for me.... absolutely no clue... absolutely no idea...where am i heading... success or salvation.... both or none... wish i knew.. wish i knew... carpe diem baby

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I believe it is too personal to be defined for one by another….when will it arrive for me….in the mainstream I guess never ….on the shore yes may be….at least there will be a bleak possibility. Sometimes I guess life (Ambition, Hope, work, Love and hate [The so called hundred some] is exactly opposite to silence in peace…constant and consistent struggle crash it every time it cements at the subconscious….