Friday, August 8, 2008


this is loosely based on a dream which lasted for ten minutes when i was takin a nap before my management paper.. all because of the fucker arjun,because he decided to listen to rammstein in those ten minutes... the plot was supposed to develop later..but like all my ambitious projects,this one too...lies shelved for the moment..--P.S. COUNTER STRIKE in the middle of the papers is also a big culprit as far as the vividness of the dream is concerned...still haven't made head or tail (or torso for that matter..) out of it.. enjoy the pain though,i did...

The ricochet of the empty bullet rounds starts to fade away in the distance..the clink of the used shells on the polished floor begins to lose its metallic intensity..the couches in the waiting lounge suddenly do not seem to be as bright as they were about fifteen minutes back.i feel my knees buckle under me,unable to support the wire frame that they did for the past twenty two i fall , i try to recount the thrust of the bullets..the first one hit the neck,probably got some of those vocal chords as well,because i don't remember screaming which i would have done in the ordinary course of events..the second one hit the kevlar..and the third probably shot thru the liver...damn those low rise cargos,should have got a belt when i was told to..but after all that cheese and vodka,why'd it have to be a magnum shot that got that brown piece of bile producing shit.. i raise my hand to my neck amidst the blood pouring out and felt the veins dangling loosely like a garden sprinkler or sumthin.. funny feel to it,the blood was fucken hot but it felt as if i was jammed,paralysed in waist deep siberian snow..i lie right there,sprawled on the floor..wriggling like a fucken overturned beetle..i close my eyes to ease the pain and i hear some really unassuring,unsynchronised,chuckling footsteps..i dunno why but dad's favourite driving track starts echoing somewhere in the back of my head..[viz. scum of the earth,rob zombie-- mission impossible II soundtrack]..i try to get up and the fucker promptly shoots me in my kneecap.. i fall again and the nauseating crunch of the bones,makes me see stars and wanna puke..i get a careless kick in the jaw and fall backwards again..the pointless nature of my getting up becomes a real funny i just lie there,waitin for the end to arrive...i get hauled up by the nostrils as i feel the skin gettin torn apart..i can hear silence,funny again..the sound of silence is pretty amazing though, as amid the gunfire and the chucklin sleaze, i hear my sweat and blood dripping on the a really slow slow intra venous drip gone extremely haywire..the thankful inevitability of the situation approaches as the gun nudges my forehead..and the nozzle forms a bridge between my eyebrows, i begin to think that was this the end..could this be the end..the safety of the gun went

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